Hellooo hyperactive me when I made this blog post! I had a dose of coffee before I attended mass and candy coffee after mass so better expect more "hahaha's" and "lol's" in this post. LOL! (See? It's starting already) I had a great time with God during mass and the priest's homily was very funny. How's your Sunday doing?

There are two things I'm gonna share with my lovely readers today, first, about my outfit and the occasion when I wore it and second, the reason why the photos in this post are my favorite among the other posts as of the moment and the person behind it and his amazing camera. Haha! But before that, I'll finish talking about my outfit first.

Please please please excuse my bulgy stomach! It's the only thing I hated on these set of photos! Before you close my site, please hear me out and I promise you you'll enjoy this post! The only thing I could blame for the annoying bulge of my tummy is my tank top, which is why I made the print the title of this post. It's very very small and I didn't expect that I would look like a super wrapped spring roll in it! (let me just laugh with you. haha!) So now that I've explained myself, I'll just shift your attention to the photo quality. How do you guys like it? At least it saved me from my stomach bulge! lol!
Anyway, I wore this ensemble during my Mom and Dad's anniversary. I can't believe they've been together for almost 20 years! I wish I could reach that level (and go beyond that) when I get married someday. Their only wish during their anniversary was to have dinner out with complete attendance, and so we did. We ate in this Taiwanese shabu-shabu place somewhere in Banawa and had a very special time together with my siblings. Enjoy the little Chinese food photo diary below!

Another story I'd like to share is about the guy who took my outfit shots. Meet Roy (never mind asking for a photo of him 'cause I'm pretty sure he's going to kill me! lol!), a very close friend of mine since high school. He's the kind of guy who doesn't consider himself a pro when it comes to photography but I believe that there's that inner talent within him that didn't develop yet so I asked him to take my outfit shots. He was very hesitant at first but I ditched my way out of it. *evil laugh* So he finally said yes and with the fact that his DSLR is a better model than mine, I was beyond excited to shoot with him. Most of the time, I'm really a bully around my friends and they are also to me 'cause we're crazy like that! But this time, I'll be a supportive one (but still a bully. lol). Check out these random shots he took from his Canon 60D on some of the interiors in our house and some stolen shots of me and my stuff. And you guys should tell me he has potential! Hahaha! I edited these by the way, just did the basic.

I basically thought I could do a better make up post when I saw that amazing shot of my eye make up! What do you guys think? Yay or Nay? I know it's a yay! Hey there bff, you should bow down and thank me for this. *evil laugh*
What do you think about my look?
[WAGW top/long cardigan/clutch, Zara shorts (old), Mango belt, SM Accessories necklace, Minicci (c/o Payless) earrings, Charles&Keith heels]
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